Si la vida te ha lanzado un reto inesperado y estás tratando de ver como haces para superarlo, este episodio es para ti. Valentina Izarra, fundadora de Mamas Con Ganas, comparte 4 tips para manejar cambios y desafíos imprevistos. Cuando …
If life has thrown something very unexpected your way and you're trying to catch your footing with the change of plans, this episode is for you. Valentina Izarra, founder of Mamas Con Ganas, talks about how to deal with life's …
Feeling frustrated with yourself for your lack of discipline? If so, this episode is for you. I talk about finding discipline and share a guided meditation for attracting discipline. All the discipline you need and desire is within you right …
¿Te sientes frustrada por tu falta de disciplina en alguna área de tu vida? Toda la disciplina que necesitas y deseas se encuentra dentro de ti. Solo hay que reconocer la disciplina que ya reside en ti y transferir esa …
En este último episodio de la primera temporada, estoy regalando sesiones de coaching y libros gratuitos para cinco de mis oyentes. También me entrevista mi amiga, Jhorna Castañez, y comparto con todas ustedes algunas historias divertidas sobre la...
In this final episode of our first season, I'm giving away a 60-minute coaching session and the Ignite Love book to five lucky winners. My dear friend, Jhorna Castañez, interviews me as well and I share some fun stories about …
I share a powerful exercise based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP, so you can anchor positive emotions. You can repeat this meditation often so you can reinforce those positive emotions you want to feel on a more regular basis. Practice emotional...
En este episodio comparto una meditación práctica basada en la Programación Neurolingüística, PNL, con el fin de anclar en ti emociones y sentimientos positivos de manera poderosa. Este ejercicio lo puedes repetir a menudo para así reforzar en...
In this episode I invite you step into a deeper self-awareness by observing your "recycled thoughts" or the accumulation of your beliefs, opinions, and affirmations that, whether you know it or not, influence your life in very powerful ways. These...
Hablo sobre la acumulación de afirmaciones, creencias y opiniones que adoptamos a lo largo de la vida y que se repiten de manera automática en nuestra mente. Estos pensamientos que vamos formando a través de las interpretaciones de nuestras...
I discuss the transformative power of questions and how the quality of our lives depends on the quality of questions that we ask ourselves. I talk about some of the most common but useless questions that disempower people. Then I …
En este episodio examinamos el poder transformador de las preguntas. La calidad de nuestra vida está ligada a la calidad de las preguntas que nos hacemos bien sea de manera consciente o inconsciente. Doy ejemplos de preguntas inútiles que...
A thought provoking conversation about greed. When does ambition become greedy? We discuss how greed is tied to the scarcity mentality and the difference between being driven by motivation versus greed. This episode is part of a series where...
This episode is dedicated to anyone struggling with overeating or over drinking. My husband and I talk about gluttony, uncovering our emotional impulses, and finding the sweet spot between enjoyment and discipline. "Contentment Versus Overindulgence"...
This episode is dedicated to anyone struggling with laziness. My husband and I talk about sloth and how it can show up in any area of our lives and keep us from accomplishing our goals. "Overcoming Laziness" is part of …
Entrevista con Lina Montoya, coach y consteladora ancestral. Lina nos habla sobre las terapias alternativas que ella ofrece para ayudar a sus clientes con la sanación. También nos explica de que se tratan las constelaciones familiares y las terapias...
In this episode, we have a fun and open discussion on lust from the perspective of self-development. We discuss the consequences that come from unharnessed sexual pursuit and the void not even great sex can fill. This episode is part …
A discussion on pride from the self-help perspective. In this seven part series, my husband and I discuss the deadly sins from the point of view of possibility. What's beyond envy, pride, lust, gluttony, greed , wrath and sloth? How …
Este episodio es dedicado a las personas que buscan superar sus impedimentos, obstáculos y desafíos para así lograr sus sueños. Hablo sobre esa resistencia interior que se presenta inoportunamente para distraernos de nuestra tarea divina....
In this seven part podcast series, my husband and I discuss the deadly sins from the point of view of possibility. Here we talk about a simple exercise you can do to eradicate envy from your life. There is a …
Entrevista con Yuliria Figueroa, psicóloga y creadora del método Danzabienestar. Yuliria nos habla sobre la danza en atención plena y cómo el baile consciente puede ser una herramienta para lograr sanación, bienestar, apoderamiento y...
Valentina Izarra, founder of Mamas Con Ganas, gives tips on how to be charismatic on camera. Valentina is a professional actress and media coach who helps business professionals become confident and engaging on camera for their professional...