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Mamas Con Ganas Podcast


Sept. 26, 2018

El Poder Irresistible de la Persistencia

Si estas a punto de abandonar alguna de tus metas, escucha este episodio y llénate con las ganas de persistir para alcanzar tu objetivo. Valentina Izarra, fundadora de Mamas Con Ganas, conversa sobre el poder silencioso pero irresistible de la...

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Sept. 19, 2018

The Irresistible Power of Persistence

Valentina Izarra, founder of Mamas Con Ganas, examines the mystical power of persistence. She also discusses how we can turn failures into the source of our success. Is there something you really want that you have given up on or are about to give up...

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Sept. 12, 2018

El Poder de la Responsabilidad

Episodio en Español

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Sept. 5, 2018

The Power of Accountability

Valentina Izarra, founder of Mamas Con Ganas, talks about the transformative power of accountability. "Something magical happens when you take 100% ownership of your life; when you stop blaming others for your dramas and own what owns you." If you're...

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Aug. 7, 2018

Connie Tang- Fearless Living: 8 Life-Changing Values for Breakthrough…

Connie Tang, President & CEO of Princess House, talks about the values we need to strengthen in order to overcome fear and breakthrough success.

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June 26, 2018

Jessica Gonzalez- Opportunities for #LatinasInTech

Break into Tech: Align Master's Program

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June 19, 2018

Criss Cuervo- El poder del Mindfulness (conciencia plena) y cómo miti…

Herramientas para disminuir el estrés y llevar una vida más feliz

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Feb. 19, 2018

Cómo sanar un corazón roto

Episodio en español

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Feb. 9, 2018

Healing a Broken Heart

Valentina Izarra, founder of Mamas Con Ganas, talks candidly about how to overcome a devastating breakup or divorce. She talks about healing the broken heart, reclaiming ones identity after separation and finding peace of mind after betrayal.

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Feb. 1, 2018

Gisenia Reyes: Faith over Fear

Interview with Gisenia Reyes

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Jan. 16, 2018

Ivonne Vela: La certeza de que todo pasa por algo

Entrevista con la Fundadora de Fundación ComunicArte

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Jan. 9, 2018

Alexandra Neto: From Laid off to Entrepreneur

Interview with Alexandra Neto: Founder of Otena Concepts

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Jan. 1, 2018

Claudia Ramirez: El efecto multiplicador de tu generosidad

Entrevista con la fundadora de Barriga Llena Mente Alerta

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