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Mamas Con Ganas Podcast


April 29, 2023

Embracing Your Sexuality With Romance Novels

THIS IS EPISODE 182 OF THE MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST Embracing Your Sexuality with Romance Novels Interview with Melissa Saavedra, founder of Steamy Lit. Melissa tells us how she came up with the idea to provide a book subscription service that pairs romance novels with specially curated items that will…

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April 20, 2023

S2E181 El Poder De La Buena Etiqueta

Entrevista con Catherine Ramirez, entrenadora de etiqueta y fundadora de Etiquette 360. Esta ex modelo, reina de concursos de belleza y presentadora de televisión tiene la misión de ayudar a las personas a tener éxito entrenándolas en la etiqueta adecuada. Cuando la mayoría de la gente piensa en la etiqueta,…

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April 15, 2023

S2E180 The Power of Good Etiquette

Interview with Catherine Ramirez, etiquette coach and founder of Etiquette 360. This former model, beauty pageant queen, and TV host is on a mission to help individuals succeed by coaching them on proper etiquette. When most people think of etiquette they usually think of princess training. However, Catherine tells us…

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April 6, 2023

S2E179 Logrando Éxitos y el Circulo Virtuoso

Entrevista con Gaby Natale, presentadora, empresaria, productora, escritora, conferencista y ganadora de tres premios Daytime Emmy. Gaby fue la primera autora hispana publicada por la prestigiosa compañía editorial HarperCollins. Su libro de autoayuda, El Círculo Virtuoso, se convirtió en un bestseller instantáneo. Ella comparte su mensaje de empoderamiento en conferencias…

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March 30, 2023

Why Your Dinero Matters!

Welcome to the Mamas Con Ganas Season 2 Episode 178 In this episode, I had the honor of interviewing Jen Hemphill, the Latina money expert. Jen is an AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor), author, speaker, and host of the Her Dinero Matters Podcast. She helps busy, career-oriented women become the reina…

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March 29, 2023

Sharing Your Point of View About Money With Your Partner #shorts

Sharing Your Point of View About Money With Your Partner #shorts #moneytalks The mission of Mamas Con Ganas is to motivate, uplift, and empower Latinas by providing media programing that is positive, inspiring, and educational.

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March 29, 2023

Becoming a Wealth Warrior #abundancemindset

Episode # 174 of the Mamas Con Ganas Podcast: Interview with Linda Garcia, CEO of The Chosen Hundred LLC and Founder of In Luz We Trust. Linda helps the Latinx community heal the generational money wounds that prevent them from achieving wealth. She says her spiritual journey led her to…

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March 27, 2023

El Poder del Interés Compuesto (El secreto financiero para la abundancia)

ESTE ES EL EPISODIO #177 DEL MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST Entrevista con Alexandra Valentin, asesora financiera. En este episodio, Alexandra nos habla sobre la magia del interés compuesto, un tema crucial para entender qué podemos hacer para que nuestro dinero trabaje para nosotras. Cuando invertimos en una cuenta que acumula…

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March 20, 2023

Start Celebrating Other People's Abundance To Increase Your Own #shorts

Start Celebrating Other People's Abundance To Increase Your Own #shorts #abundancemindset The mission of Mamas Con Ganas is to motivate, uplift, and empower Latinas by providing media programing that is positive, inspiring, and educational.

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March 15, 2023

Episode #176: Becoming a Debt Free Latina

THIS IS EPISODE #176 OF THE MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST If you live with the stress of debt, this is the episode for you! Interview with Mayra Alejandra Garcia, a financial literacy education and coach on a mission to empower and motivate families to live a debt-free lifestyle. After spending…

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March 13, 2023

Envy Is A HUGE Money Block #shorts

Envy Is A HUGE Money Block #shorts #moneyblocks The mission of Mamas Con Ganas is to motivate, uplift, and empower Latinas by providing media programing that is positive, inspiring, and educational.

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March 9, 2023

4 Remordimientos Financieros que Puedes Evitar!

ESTE ES EL EPISODIO #175 DEL MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST ¿Estás lista para hablar sobre finanzas? ¡En el último episodio de Mamas con Ganas abordamos cuatro remordimientos financieros que debes evitar a toda costa! Hablamos sobre: 1. El problema de gastar dinero inconscientemente 2. La importancia de tomar riendas de…

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March 6, 2023

What you focus on matters: Abundance Vs Scarcity #shorts

What you focus on matters: Abundance Vs Scarcity #shorts #abundancemindset The mission of Mamas Con Ganas is to motivate, uplift, and empower Latinas by providing media programing that is positive, inspiring, and educational.

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Feb. 26, 2023

The Magic of Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Hello Mamacitas and welcome to my channel Mamas con Ganasl! Today we want to share with you our experience of stepping out of our comfort zone and taking the plunge, quite literally! My husband and I have always been discussing how stepping out of our comfort zone it's essential for…

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Feb. 16, 2023

Mamas Con Ganas Podcast

En este episodio entrevisto a Evy Gamara, productora, emprendedora e influencer. Y juntas te daremos muchos tips en como tener una mentalidad de exito cuando emprendes en tu propio negocio. Evy nos motiva con su historia y nos invita a tener una mentalidad de exito para ser exitosas!! ✅ SUBSCRÍBETE…

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Jan. 25, 2023

Superando Retos con Mari Shadle

Este es el episodio #169 del podcast: Mamas Con Ganas Entrevista con Mari Shadle, coach de salud integral y presentadora del podcast: El Reto de Mari. Mari nos habla sobre cómo superó sus retos como inmigrante, la pérdida de su madre, y la privación de sueño. También nos cuenta por…

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Jan. 11, 2023

Manifestando Abundancia En Pareja

Sure, here is an improved version of the translation for SEO: Aprende a manifestar la abundancia y la prosperidad en tu relación de pareja. En este episodio te enseñamos las bases para crear una relación saludable en torno a las finanzas. Descubre cómo abordar las conversaciones sobre dinero de manera…

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Jan. 11, 2023

How To Attract Abundance. Part 2

Unlock your true financial potential. Discover powerful techniques for breaking free from limiting beliefs and attracting abundance in your life. Learn how to shift your mindset for prosperity and abundance. Don't miss this transformative video on releasing blocks to money, watch now! ✅ SUBSCRIBE TO THE MAMAS CON MAMAS PODCAST…

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Jan. 11, 2023

Como Atraer Mas Abundancia. Parte 2

Aprende los secretos para atraer la abundancia en tu vida. Con estas técnicas poderosas de la ley de la atracción, verás cómo la riqueza y el éxito fluyen hacia ti de manera natural. Descubre cómo programar tu mente para atraer dinero, relaciones prósperas y la vida que deseas. No te…

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Jan. 6, 2023

The Secret to Attracting More Abundance in Your Life

Do you want to attract more abundance in your life? In this video, we'll share the secret to manifesting wealth, success, and prosperity. From adopting a positive mindset to taking action on your goals, these simple tips can help you attract abundance in all areas of your life. Watch now…

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Jan. 6, 2023

Como Atraer Mas Abundancia

¿Quieres atraer más abundancia a tu vida? ¡Esta guía es para ti! Aprenderás a cambiar tu mentalidad y a utilizar técnicas prácticas para atraer más riqueza y éxito a tu vida. Descubrirás cómo aprovechar al máximo tus fortalezas y habilidades, cómo establecer metas claras y cómo tomar medidas concretas para…

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Dec. 29, 2022

The Power of Acupuncture with Jules Kim

THIS IS EPISODE #166 OF THE MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST Interview with Jules Kim, acupuncturist physician. She talks about the power of acupuncture to help with relieving pain, reducing anxiety and stress, overcoming infertility, improving sleep and more. She also shares her story on facing inauthentic fear, overcoming a quarter…

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July 31, 2022

Manifesting Abundance as a Couple

THIS IS EPISODE #145 OF THE MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST If you want to manifest abundance and prosperity with your partner or spouse, this episode is for you. We discuss the foundations for creating a healthy relationship when it comes to the area of finances. Money can be a very…

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July 29, 2022

Becoming a Successful Movie Producer with Chevonne O'Shaughnessy

THIS IS EPISODE #129 ON THE MAMAS CON GANAS PODCAST Interview with Chevonne O’Shaughnessy, successful film producer and co-founder and President of American Cinema International. Chevonne tells us about her experience as a woman in the film industry and how she produces and distributes high quality commercial motion pictures throughout…

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