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Sept. 27, 2024

Overcoming Judgement & Selfless Service

Overcoming Judgement & Selfless Service

Interview with Geraldine Villoch, a beacon of compassion and bravery, who shares a heart-rending yet hopeful story that exemplifies true selfless service. Geraldine recounts her experience of fostering the baby of a 17 year old she met while volunteering at a food shelter—a young woman whose daunting past involved sex trafficking, gang ties, and mental health struggles. 

Despite the fears and societal judgments that might deter many, Geraldine looked beyond the surface and chose to act with profound empathy and courage. She narrates her journey of flying to another state to rescue the child while the mother was detained in a mental institute and how she opened her home and heart once again to temporarily foster the toddler. This episode is not just about the acts of kindness but delves into the deeper layers of faith, courage, and the essence of following one's heart amidst peril.

As we explore the motives behind selfless service, Geraldine and I discuss the transformative power of helping others without any expectations—highlighting the unexpected gifts and profound personal growth that come from such generosity. Her story is a testament to the impact one person can have by choosing compassion over fear.

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