La Psicología y Medicina Energética
Entrevista con Dr. María I. Limardo, Ph.D., una especialista en Genética, con amplia experiencia en estudios clínicos en la Genética de la Matriz Extracelular. Se especializa en intervenciones de sanación holística y es motivadora. Dr. Limardo es certificada como Diplomada en Prácticas Holísticas Energéticas por la Asociación Internacional de Psicología Energética Integral. Se gano el premio nacional en el 2021 por la difusión de la psicología y medicina energética.
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Y recuerda: No seas una mamacita con drama. Seamos Mamacitas Con Ganas!

Maria I. Limardo PhD, CMIQP
Dr. Maria I. Limardo, Ph.D. a specialist in Genetics, with extensive experience in clinical studies in the Genetics of the Extracellular Matrix. She specializes in holistic healing interventions, and motivator. She is a consultant on medical and holistic issues for radio, television, bloggers, and books, and has written articles for the Hispanic media.
She graduated with honors, with an M.D./ Ph.D. in Genetics from Thomas Jefferson Medical College University and in Molecular Biology from Temple University of Philadelphia, PA; a Candidate for Diplomate in Energy Holistic Practices by ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology), among other important study centers.
She studied and obtained certifications in the following holistic modalities with the corresponding trainers: Kim Seer Certified in Intuitive Medicine and Quantum practitioner, Harold Moskovitz Certified in Golden Light Healing, Alberto Arribalzaga Certified in Soul's Kinesiology and Multidimensional Holographic Biomagnetism, Drunvalo Melchizedek Certified Awakening of The Illuminated Heart, Tappas Fleming Certified in TATLife, Center for Mind-Body Medicine Certified in MIND, BODY, MEDICINE, Certified in Trauma Tapping Technique TTT, Level 1 Logosynthesis, Certified Aromatherapist level 1 and 2, Certified Acupressure technique by Michael Reed Gach Ph.D
After many years of working in the area of Research within conventional medicine (where she discovered and described the qualities of the gene and protein of collagen XVII 180 KD), she realized, what she had always k… Read More